How to mine Bitcoin Cash: A beginners guide to mining BCH


Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a cryptocurrency that uses a proof-of-work consensus algorithm to verify transactions and add new blocks to its blockchain. Mining is the process of using computational power to solve complex mathematical equations and add blocks to the blockchain, which in turn rewards the miner with newly minted BCH tokens. In this beginner’s guide, we will walk you through the process of mining Bitcoin Cash, from setting up your mining hardware to joining a mining pool.

Hardware Requirements

To mine Bitcoin Cash, you will need a mining rig that includes the following hardware components:

ASIC miner:

An ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) miner is a specialized computer that is designed specifically for mining cryptocurrencies. There are several ASIC miners available in the market that are specifically designed for mining Bitcoin Cash.

Power Supply Unit (PSU):

An efficient power supply unit is required to provide power to your mining rig.

Cooling system:

Mining generates a lot of heat, so it is important to have a good cooling system to prevent your hardware from overheating.

Internet Connection:

A stable internet connection is necessary for communication with the mining pool.

Setting up Your Mining Rig

Once you have acquired the necessary hardware components, the next step is to set up your mining rig. The following steps can help you in setting up your mining rig:

  1. Connect your ASIC miner to your power supply unit.
  2. Connect the cooling system to your miner to ensure proper cooling.
  3. Connect your miner to your computer via a USB cable or Ethernet cable.
  4. Install the mining software on your computer.

Joining a Mining Pool

Mining alone is not recommended due to the high level of competition in the Bitcoin Cash network. The chances of successfully mining a block and earning the reward are very low. Therefore, it is recommended to join a mining pool to increase your chances of earning a reward.

A mining pool is a group of miners who work together to mine blocks and share the rewards. Joining a mining pool also helps to distribute the workload among the miners, which can improve the efficiency of the mining process.

To join a mining pool, follow these steps:

  1. Research different mining pools and choose the one that suits your needs.
  2. Register an account with the mining pool.
  3. Configure your mining software with the pool’s server information.
  4. Start mining.

Mining Software

Mining software is an essential tool that helps you in managing your mining rig and connecting to the mining pool. There are several mining software available in the market, and you can choose the one that suits your needs.

Some popular mining software for Bitcoin Cash include:

CGMiner: CGMiner is an open-source mining software that supports ASIC mining hardware. It is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

BFGMiner: BFGMiner is another open-source mining software that supports ASIC mining hardware. It is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

EasyMiner: EasyMiner is a GUI-based mining software that is easy to use and supports both CPU and GPU mining.

Mining Bitcoin Cash can be a complex process, and there are several factors that you need to consider before starting. Here are some additional tips to help you get started with mining Bitcoin Cash:

Choose the Right Mining Pool

Choosing the right mining pool is crucial for maximizing your profits. Some mining pools charge a higher fee, while others have a lower payout threshold. You should also consider the pool’s reputation and reliability.

Understand the Mining Difficulty

Mining difficulty refers to the level of competition among miners in the Bitcoin Cash network. The higher the mining difficulty, the more difficult it is to mine a block and earn the reward. You should keep yourself updated with the latest mining difficulty to ensure efficient mining.

Monitor Your Electricity Costs

Mining Bitcoin Cash requires a lot of electricity, which can be costly. You should calculate the electricity cost of your mining rig and ensure that the rewards are greater than the cost of electricity.

Keep Your Mining Rig Cool

Mining generates a lot of heat, which can damage your mining hardware. You should ensure that your mining rig is properly cooled to prevent overheating.

Consider Cloud Mining

Cloud mining is an alternative to traditional mining, where you rent mining power from a cloud mining company. Cloud mining eliminates the need for expensive hardware and electricity costs, but it also has its drawbacks, such as lack of control over the mining process and the risk of fraud.

Use Efficient Mining Hardware

Using efficient mining hardware can help you maximize your profits by increasing your hash rate and reducing your electricity costs. There are several types of mining hardware available in the market, such as ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) and GPUs (Graphics Processing Units). You should choose the hardware that best suits your budget and mining requirements.

Join a Mining Community

Joining a mining community can provide you with valuable insights and advice on mining Bitcoin Cash. You can also connect with other miners and pool resources to increase your chances of success. There are several online mining communities, such as BitcoinTalk and Reddit, where you can participate in discussions and ask for help.

Stay Up-to-Date with Bitcoin Cash News

Staying up-to-date with Bitcoin Cash news can help you make informed decisions about mining. You should keep an eye on the latest developments in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem, such as upgrades and forks, and how they might affect mining profitability. You can use news aggregators and social media platforms to stay informed.

Secure Your Mining Rewards

Securing your mining rewards is essential to protect your earnings from theft and hacking. You should use a secure wallet to store your Bitcoin Cash and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security. You should also be aware of common scams and phishing attacks targeting Bitcoin Cash miners.

Consider Other Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin Cash is not the only cryptocurrency that can be mined. There are several other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum and Litecoin, that can also be mined using similar hardware and software. You should consider diversifying your mining portfolio to maximize your profits and reduce your risks.


In conclusion, mining Bitcoin Cash can be a profitable venture, but it requires careful planning and investment in hardware and electricity. Choose the right mining pool, understand the mining difficulty, monitor your electricity costs, keep your mining rig cool, and consider cloud mining as an alternative. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success in mining Bitcoin Cash.