Several Malaysian Universities Are Planning to Offer Blockchain Programmers Courses Geared Toward Women – TheCryptoUpdates

A consortium of seven Malaysian institutions has announced the inaugural cohort of Women In Blockchain Asia’s (WIBA) women-centric blockchain programming course.

Happening now!#m1nted#wiba@poesyliang
— Women In Blockchain Asia (@WIBA_official) August 27, 2022

Among the participating universities are Universiti Sains Malaysia, Asia Pacific University, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Raffles College of Higher Education, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
WIBA is a non-profit dedicated to advancing women’s role and involvement in blockchain development and digitalization. WIBA’s programs and activities are based on the three pillars of education, projects, and skills.

What a night & what a launch! Women in Blockchain Asia (WIBA) launched this week in Singapore after Malaysia’s. Congratulations to Ida Mok Jasmine Ng George Wong Ivy Fung @belindalzh Chezka Gonzales Farah Jaafar
Looking forward to seeing more waves cre…
— Valerie Chow (@Valeriechow) June 3, 2022

WIBA’s Ultimate Goal
The WIBA is working with REACH and receiving support from the Algorand Foundation to increase the number of female blockchain engineers and programmers in Malaysia.
The Algorand Foundation empowers the community to use open and decentralized blockchain technology to create a seamless, borderless economy. The Reach platform facilitates the development of decentralized apps based on blockchain technology.
The WIBA Algorand REACH Smart Contract Training runs for two months and is free for all students enrolled in participating institutions. There are already nearly 150 students enrolled, and more may register until September 4 via the website.

NEM Malaysia Hosts First-ever Women in Blockchain Asia
— Tech Side Tales (@techsidetales) October 17, 2018

“We have been working hard since May to build connections both locally in Malaysia and regionally to promote the engagement of women in blockchain technology. In accordance with WIBA President Ida Mok, this is our first project because we believe the younger generation is key to the future.
Having received a positive response so far, we are delighted that this is the first program of its kind in Malaysia to increase the number of female blockchain developers. As part of the program, Ivy Fung, a founding member of WIBA and leader of the project, will lead an intervarsity hackathon after online training and discussions.
Similar programs are expected to be implemented in other nations once more regional links are established.